Kierston Powell

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Hey. Hi. Hello && I’m DOING THINGS!

What’s up, I’m KP! People also know me by my full name, Kierston Powell, but no one ever pronounces it right so do us both a favor and just call me, KP. 

I’m new here. 

I joke as if @RantOverwithKP is the first brand that I have ever launched or built a community for but, it isn’t. HOWEVER, it is the first time that I am launching my own, personal brand and soon-to-be podcast. 

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what I do. And, I am completely comfortable working behind the scenes of a brand and delivering content strategies that work. Really though, I don’t know what it is about social media, but I love that fulfilling feeling (and possibly concerning feeling per the social dilemma) that you get after dropping new content. Then, being able to watch an audience grow and engage with the content you just produced, its mind-boggling, I swear! And it gets even better, when you nerd out on the audience analytics and learn what the people want. Haha, and then of course, you fall into a ‘brand-storm’ about testing different types of content, scheduling photo and video shoots, and doing it all over again. Ahhh - there’s nothing quite like it. It’s a blessing and a curse, but I love it. I’m relentless, what can I say?!

ANYWAY, Rant Over with KP is my new personal side-gig that I have going on. Yes, I am still working full-time and yes, I intend to do so as I grow the show but it was time. I’ve been talking about doing this for years. And, it was just time for me to take a bet on myself and flip the script, change it up and just do it…because ultimately, I know I have the skillsets to do it, I just had to step out of my own way first so I could do the damn thing.

I don’t know what my future holds with this and I’m not looking to become the next best, overnight influencer on social media…but if it happens, I’m fucking here for it. 

Because at the end of the day, if you could find success in doing what you love, wouldn’t you do it too? 

And SHIT! I already know that I LOVE to… 

  • RANT about all of the mother fucking things.

  • GROW personally, socially and professionally.

  • DOCUMENT anything and everything that I experience.

  • CREATE content that shares exactly what’s going through my head at any given moment.

  • INSPIRE people to be vulnerable and RANT ABOUT IT.

  • BUILD a social tribe of goal-getters, trend setters and problem-solvers. 

I’ve realized that everyone who always said “it’s all about who you know” is RIGHT. There is POWER in COMMUNITY and like I said before (in my work anniversary memoir), “sometimes it takes having other people believe in you, in order for YOU to believe in YOU.” And that’s the kind of tribe, I’m trying to build with Rant Over with KP — an open minded and diverse community that leans into vulnerability, values our differences and RANTS freely without fear of shame or ignorance.

So this just in — you’ve heard it here, first. I’m creating a brand, launching a podcast and building a tribe.


@RantOverwithKP is full of unapologetic rants about real-life experiences and authentic perspectives. From sex and relationships to career moves and political views, my guests and I and RANT about basically EVERYTHING! The first episode of #RantOverwithKP is COMING SOON…&& Trust me, you won’t want to miss this party. 

Now, let your #FOMO sink in and follow @RantOverwithKP